The date has been set for the 4th Annual Soap Box Derby in Grangecon village- Sunday 3rd May (Bank holiday Sunday) and it promises to be an hilarious days entertainment for young and old as always.
Please spread the word by liking and sharing the Grangecon Soap Box Derby page
If you are not familiar with the event, check out some of the previous years video clips on Youtube. You might consider designing and building your own Soapbox and entering the race this year? Every year brings an entertaining and diverse array of designs. New entrants are always very welcome. If you would like to enter a Soapbox, please contact the Grangecon Soap Box Derby facebook page for an entry pack. There is an appeal for more volunteers to act as stewards and sell raffle tickets on the day. All money raised each year goes towards paying back the loan for the Grangecon Community playground.
If you intend on coming and would be free to help out for a while, please get in contact. Any help would be gratefully and sincerely appreciated. More info on the event to follow in the coming weeks!!!
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