Jul 4, 11 years ago

Call to action issued from Club Chairman & Secretary

http://stratfordgrangecongaa.ie/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Development-project.pngCall to action issued from Club Chairman & Secretary

The desire to complete first class sports facilities received a major boost with the news that we are to receive €60,000.
Confirmation from Deputy Billy Timmins that Stratford Grangecon GAA had been awarded €60,000 from the National Sports Council to extend and complete the Sports Hall facilities, was warmly welcomed by the local community.

Club Chairman, Hugh O’Keeffe expressing delight at the allocation said that €60,000 is a very significant amount to receive at this time and it means we can commence the completion of our first class gym facilities, the laying of a proper floor in the main hall, thus ensuring that we can avail of a variety of sports and other activities, He said “Obviously we will need to ramp up our own fund raising activities to ensure that these facilities for the entire community become a reality.”

Mark Byrne, Club Secretary, speaking at an executive meeting last night paid tribute to the local committee that worked tirelessly to put together such a strong and compelling case for such a facility in the community. He said, “It is now time for everyone to put their shoulder to the wheel.”

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[…] Winning the sports development grant has been a major success for the Club, however in order to complete the proposed development works the Club will need to fundraise. […]
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